Source code for isotherm_models.binaryisotherm

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyomo.environ as pyo
import numpy as np
from isotherm_models.unaryisotherm import UnaryIsotherm, LangmuirUnary, K_expr, K_star_expr
from chem_util.chem_constants import gas_constant as R

[docs]class BinaryIsotherm(UnaryIsotherm): r"""Base class for Binary Isotherms, inherits from UnaryIsotherm The following additional dimensionless variables are used in computations :param hat_f_j: mixture fugacities of component *i* :type hat_f_j: list :param hat_f_j: mixture fugacities of component *j* :type hat_f_j: list :param q_i: loadings of component *i* :type q_i: list :param T: temperatures in [K], defaults to None :type T: list, optional :param points: state points at which a pressure and temperature are provided :type points: list, derived from input :param hat_f_i_star: dimensionless fugacitities of component *i*, calculated by Equation :eq:`eq_fis_binary` :type hat_f_i_star: list, derived :param hat_f_j_star: dimensionless fugacitities of component *j*, calculated by Equation :eq:`eq_fjs_binary` :type hat_f_j_star: list, derived :param theta: dimensionless loadings, calculated by Equation :eq:`eq_theta` :type theta: list, derived :param T_star: dimensionless temperatures, calculated by Equation :eq:`eq_Ts` :type T_star: list, derived :param theta_calc: calculated dimensionless at each state point :type theta_calc: pyo.Var, derived from input :param objective: objective function to be minimized for isotherm fitting, calculated from :meth:`isotherm_models.unaryisotherm.UnaryIsotherm.objective_rule_pyomo` :type objective: pyo.Objective, derived from input :param R2: coefficient of determination, see :meth:`isotherm_models.unaryisotherm.UnaryIsotherm.R2_rule` :type R2: pyo.Expression, derived :param q_calc: calculated loading in units :type q_calc: pyo.Expression, derived :param unary_points: points where only *i* is present, derived from where :math:`\hat{f}_j < 1\times10^{-12}` :type unary_points: list, derived """ def __init__(self, hat_f_i, hat_f_j, q_i, T, f_ref=None, **kwargs): if f_ref is None: f_ref = max(hat_f_i + hat_f_j) UnaryIsotherm.__init__(self, hat_f_i, q_i, T, f_ref=f_ref, **kwargs) self.hat_f_i = self.f_i[:] self.hat_f_i_star = self.f_i_star[:] del self.f_i # keep notation clear use hat for mixture del self.f_i_star # keep notation clear use hat for mixture del self.x_data_dimensionless # x-data is now a list of tuples of length 3 self.hat_f_j = hat_f_j assert len(self.hat_f_j) == len(self.hat_f_i), 'Inconsistent input data' self.hat_f_j_star = [i / self.f_ref for i in self.hat_f_j] self.x_data_dimensionless = [(i, j, k) for i, j, k in zip(self.hat_f_i_star, self.hat_f_j_star, self.T_star)] self.unary_points = [i for i in self.points if self.hat_f_j[i] < 1e-12] self.has_isotherm_variables = False
[docs] def plot_adsorption_surface(self): """plot surface of adsorption data .. todo:: implement this helpful for debugging """ pass
def plot_unary(self, ax=None): assert len(self.unary_points) > 0, "No unary points found, doesnt make sense to plot it" if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_xlabel('hat_f_j') ax.set_ylabel('q_i') vals = self.q_calc.extract_values() q_calc = [pyo.value(vals[i]) for i in self.unary_points] p_i = [self.hat_f_i[i] for i in self.unary_points] q_i = [self.q_i[i] for i in self.unary_points] ax.plot(p_i, q_i, 'o', label='Raw Data units') ax.plot(p_i, q_calc, 'x', label='Fit units')
[docs]class BinaryLangmuir(BinaryIsotherm, LangmuirUnary): r"""Temperature-dependent extended unary Langmuir isotherm, expressed as Isotherm is Equation :eq:`eq_lang_binary`. Dimensionless isotherm is Equation :eq:`eq_lang_binary_dimensionless`. Dimensionless variables to be fit are :math:`H_i^\star`, :math:`A_i`, :math:`q_{\text{m},i}^\star`, :math:`H_j_star`, and :math:`A_j`, as defined in Equations :eq:`H_i_star`, :eq:`q_mi_star`, :eq:`A_i`, :eq:`H_j_star`, and :eq:`A_j`, respectively. :param H_i_star: :math:`H_i^\star`, dimensionless heat of adsorption of component *i* :type H_i_star: pyo.Var :param A_i: :math:`A_i`, dimensionless langmuir constant in logarithmic space :type A_i: pyo.Var :param H_j_star: :math:`H_j^\star`, dimensionless heat of adsorption of component *j* :type H_j_star: pyo.Var :param A_j: :math:`A_j`, dimensionless langmuir constant in logarithmic space :type A_j: pyo.Var :param q_mi_star: :math:`q_{\text{m},i}^\star`, dimensionless saturation loading :type q_mi_star: pyo.Var :param q_mi: langmuir saturation loading :type q_mi: pyo.Expression :param k_i_inf: langmuir adsorption constant independent of temperature :type k_i_inf: pyo.Expression :param dH_i: heat of adsorption of component *i* :type dH_i: pyo.Expression :param k_j_inf: langmuir adsorption constant independent of temperature :type k_j_inf: pyo.Expression :param dH_j: heat of adsorption of component *j* :type dH_j: pyo.Expression """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): BinaryIsotherm.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # add variables self.H_i_star = pyo.Var(initialize=self.initial_guess_H_i_star()) self.A_i = pyo.Var(initialize=self.initial_guess_A_i()) self.q_mi_star = pyo.Var(initialize=self.initial_guess_q_mi_star(), bounds=(0., None)) self.H_j_star = pyo.Var(initialize=self.initial_guess_H_i_star()) self.A_j = pyo.Var(initialize=self.initial_guess_A_i()) # add expressions for dimensional quantities self.q_mi = pyo.Expression(expr=self.q_mi_star * self.q_ref) self.k_i_inf = pyo.Expression(expr=pyo.exp(self.A_i) / self.f_ref) self.dH_i = pyo.Expression(expr=R*self.T_ref*self.H_i_star) self.k_j_inf = pyo.Expression(expr=pyo.exp(self.A_j) / self.f_ref) self.dH_j = pyo.Expression(expr=R*self.T_ref*self.H_j_star) self.isotherm_eq = pyo.Constraint(self.points, rule=BinaryLangmuir.isotherm_eq_rule) self.has_isotherm_variables = True
[docs] def initial_guess_vector(self): """:code:`p0` in scipy curve fit; initial guess for *dimensionless* parameters .. note:: order here must be the same as last args in :meth:`.LangmuirUnary.eval_dimensionless` """ return [ self.initial_guess_q_mi_star(), self.initial_guess_H_i_star(), self.initial_guess_H_i_star(), self.initial_guess_A_i(), self.initial_guess_A_i(), ]
[docs] def eval(self, x, q_mi, dH_i, dH_j, k_i_inf, k_j_inf): if isinstance(x, tuple): hat_f_i, hat_f_j, T = x elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray): hat_f_i, hat_f_j, T = x[:, 0], x[:, 1], x[:, 2] else: raise Exception('Type not caught for x={} type(x)={}'.format(x, type(x))) K_i = K_expr(k_inf=k_i_inf, dH=dH_i, T=T, f=hat_f_i) K_j = K_expr(k_inf=k_j_inf, dH=dH_j, T=T, f=hat_f_j) return q_mi * K_i / (1. + K_i + K_j)
[docs] def eval_pyomo(self, hat_f_i, hat_f_j, T): """Evaluate isotherm in dimensional form""" return self.eval((hat_f_i, hat_f_j, T), self.q_mi, self.dH_i, self.dH_j, self.k_i_inf, self.k_j_inf)
[docs] def isotherm_expression(self, point): """Isotherm expression in unit quantities, see Equation :eq:`eq_lang_binary`""" if point in self.unary_points: return self.eval_pyomo(self.hat_f_i[point], 0, self.T[point]) return self.eval_pyomo(self.hat_f_i[point], self.hat_f_j[point], self.T[point])
def eval_dimensionless(self, x, q_mi_star, H_i_star, H_j_star, A_i, A_j): if isinstance(x, tuple): hat_f_i_star, hat_f_j_star, T_star = x elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray): hat_f_i_star, hat_f_j_star, T_star = x[:, 0], x[:, 1], x[:, 2] else: raise Exception('Type not caught for x={} type(x)={}'.format(x, type(x))) K_i = K_star_expr( A=A_i, H_star=H_i_star, T_star=T_star, f_star=hat_f_i_star, ) K_j = K_star_expr( A=A_j, H_star=H_j_star, T_star=T_star, f_star=hat_f_j_star ) return q_mi_star * K_i / (1. + K_i + K_j) def eval_dimensionless_pyomo(self, hat_f_i_star, hat_f_j_star, T_star): return self.eval_dimensionless( (hat_f_i_star, hat_f_j_star, T_star), self.q_mi_star, self.H_i_star, self.H_j_star, self.A_i, self.A_j )
[docs] def dimensionless_isotherm_expression(self, point): """Dimensionless isotherm expression, see Equation :eq:`eq_lang_binary_dimensionless`""" if point in self.unary_points: return self.eval_dimensionless_pyomo(self.hat_f_i_star[point], 0, self.T_star[point]) return self.eval_dimensionless_pyomo(self.hat_f_i_star[point], self.hat_f_j_star[point], self.T_star[point])
def display_results(self, **kwargs): super().display_results(**kwargs) self.H_j_star.display(**kwargs) self.A_j.display(**kwargs) self.k_j_inf.display(**kwargs) self.dH_j.display(**kwargs)